Welcome to PIMPAC
The Pacific Islands Managed and Protected Areas Community (PIMPAC) is a long term capacity sharing program and social network of site based managers, non-governmental organizations, local communities, federal, state, and territorial agencies, and other stakeholders working together to collectively enhance the effective use and management of managed and protected areas in the Pacific Islands.
This website was developed at the recommendation of PIMPAC members and is mainly aimed at providing a forum to share new information about local and regional efforts, find existing PIMPAC documents that support their work, and encourage peer to peer learning. It also is aimed at providing all other interested parties with information about the site based initiatives happening in the PIMPAC region as well as an overview of PIMPAC activities. We welcome inputs and comments.

Chuuk, Micronesia
photo: Brett Uprichard bigbamboostock.com
Welcome to PIMPAC
The Pacific Islands Managed and Protected Areas Community (PIMPAC) is a collaboration of site based managers, non-governmental organizations, local communities, federal, state, and territorial agencies, and other stakeholders working together to collectively enhance the effective use and management of managed and protected areas in the U.S. Pacific Islands and Freely Associated States. Specifically, PIMPAC aims to build partnerships among Pacific Island site based practitioners and to bring support to the region in order to strengthen planning, implementation, and evaluation efforts and conserving the marine resources of the Pacific Islands
This website was developed at the recommendation of PIMPAC members and is mainly aimed at providing a forum to share new information about local and regional efforts, find existing PIMPAC documents that support their work, and encourage peer to peer learning. It also is aimed at providing all other interested parties with information about the site based initiatives happening in the PIMPAC region as well as an overview of PIMPAC activities. We welcome inputs and comments